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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Why I am voting "Yes" on the board recall

This blog is to address my frustrations with the moral problems and financial waste involved with the HOA Board and CEO, Chris Barone, suing fellow association members as well as dragging out the lawsuits against the HOA.

Lawsuits Against Our Neighbors

First, I am a concerned citizen writing the blog anonymously, and I suggest if any of you write a blog you also do it anonymously. Please visit the “Lawsuits” section of this website to see a list of the lawsuits and TROs filed against those in the community who have openly criticized Chris and the board. Although they aren’t winning these cases, winning isn’t the point, they are wasting people’s time and money and putting emotional strain on them. But that’s the goal: Chris has mentioned in two separate YouTube videos that TROs are “easy to get” and that you “don’t need evidence in Small Claims Court.” His goal isn’t to win, it’s to intimidate people and make their lives more difficult so that we will all be afraid to speak out.

I hope that you will agree that this is not helping our community. I am in favor of a new board because the current board has signed off on many of these petty lawsuits without question. They are suing good, hardworking members of our community who don’t deserve it.

The Financial Cost of the Lawsuits

Each and every financial choice the board makes impacts each and every one of us. Our CEO Chris Barone is telling members that we will win an 8 million dollar lawsuit against GPL, and it is in our best interest to drag the suit out (see DiNapoli’s candidate statement). He is gambling with our money and our home values and placing us all at risk for potentially thousands of dollars in judgements.

1) Dragging out lawsuits means large legal bills each month.

2) Dragging out lawsuits means that we pay huge insurance premiums and are having hard time getting coverage at all.

3) Dragging out lawsuits puts all of us in jeopardy of owing money.

Lawsuits are unpredictable. We are being sued for millions of dollars. If the board can reach a settlement and close these lawsuits, our HOA can move forward and leave GPL in the past. Chris Barone criticized the recall in a YouTube video by saying that the people running just want to settle the lawsuits. I don’t know what each candidates stance on the lawsuits are, but what is wrong with settling the lawsuits and moving forward if we can get a fair and satisfactory deal for the HOA?

It’s time to remove the personal and emotional elements from decision making process and start being smart and running the board as a business. This is why I’m voting “yes” on the board recall.


A Concerned Resident.

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2 comentarios

Jeff Haring
Jeff Haring
27 nov 2019

Christopher Barone states in his secret propaganda videos that the homeowners who are against both him and Mike Umann are all GPL supporters. His claims are ridiculous and lacking about as much evidence as he provides in his failed TRO’s & lawsuits. Barone is 0 for 12. That’s one loss more than the 0-11 Cincinnati Bengals so far this season!

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LLHOA update
LLHOA update
25 nov 2019


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