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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Where is the money!

  1. We pay over $20k a month in salaries for our CEO Chris Barone and attorney Zack Levine. What is this getting us? Many of the 22 lawsuits are petty and have been dismissed. How can Barone do the business of the LLHOA while spending several days each month at all-day court appearances?

  2. It has become nearly impossible to find insurance companies willing to write a policy on our HOA, and the few companies willing quote premiums prohibitively expensive because of so many claims, most from lawsuits the direct result of Barone’s actions. The LLHOA has no choice, it must have insurance. (Click here to see the 22 lawsuits list & lawsuits related posts)

  3. Our insurance premiums have increased 400% from $30,000 to $148,000, in the year Umann and Barone have had control over the HOA. Don’t be fooled, lawsuits, not fires, are the real reason for the rise in insurance cost. ( Update: Even our insurance company, atain, is now suing LLHOA to be released from their obligation to defend LLHOA in GPL lawsuit.)

  4. Umann confessed financial irresponsibility. There are financial discrepancies that have not been explained by the board. Is it because the three members on the Board cannot? Mr. Umann confessed in his candidate statement our reserves increased “without a proper accounting of anything” (emphasis added) This says it all; Umann, DiNapoli and Bromley have no knowledge of our HOA finances, of financial management or their financial fiduciary duty.

  5. Stop intimidation litigation! Umann and Barone have filed numerous lawsuits against HOA members and former employees for merely daring to question them. This bullying tactic or any other form of harassment has no place in our HOA and shall not be tolerated--Zero tolerance for bullying (click to view bullying-related posts) . Those who have employed such tactics need to be removed from office.

  6. The LLHOA must be run as a business by a board with business experience with: a) proper accounting of all HOA financial dealings. b) all employees using HOA credit cards so expenses can be tracked.

We need your help! Vote “yes” on the full board recall and elect a board with business and financial experience that is willing to be transparent and end needless litigation!!

December 19th, Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Talk to neighbors, share information, encourage them to get involved, vote for change

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Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

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LLHOA update
LLHOA update
27. nov. 2019


It is understandable that you might think these numbers tell the whole picture, these are the numbers presented in the treasurer’s report at the last board meeting.

The whole picture is quite different because much was not included in that report. It is true that the HOA has $215,000 in the reserve and $60,000 in the operating account. It is also true that the HOA owes $242,600, leaving the HOA with net cash balance of $32,400.

The HOA owes $50,000 in uncashed checks, $72,000 in checks written but not sent because there are no funds in the operating account to pay, plus $43,600 approved by the board to be borrowed from the reserve account to pay the down payment…


26. nov. 2019

We have over $200,000 in reserves and $60,000 in our operating account. That's where the money is. We started a fraction of that. I don't see the problem.

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