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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Umann, DiNapoli, Bromley put self-interest ahead of the HOA’s and the law

Updated: May 30, 2020

It is the obligation of the HOA board to conduct and pay for any recall lawfully petitioned by members. But when the current board was presented the petition to recall the entire board, the majority of the Board, Umann DiNapoli and Bromley, refused to conduct and pay for this recall.

Member Marti commented: " I think I have read most of the posts...I did not see listed anywhere how much the membership driven recall will cost and if the costs will be paid by the HOA or the team that headed up the recall and are running for a board seat ? "

LLHOA members commented:


It is the obligation of the HOA board to conduct and pay for any recall lawfully petitioned by members. In 2018, the previous board conducted and paid for the recall election that replaced it. In Nov. 2019, the current board conducted and paid for the failed recall of a single board member led by directors and their wives.

But when the current board was presented the petition to recall the entire board, the majority of the Board, Umann DiNapoli and Bromley, refused to conduct and pay for this recall. In the absence of the board performing its legally required duty, members stepped up to conduct and pay for this recall election out of their own pockets.

Umann DiNapoli and Bromley’s behavior is reprehensible, for they willfully and self-servingly put their interests ahead of the HOA’s and the law. This self-dealing makes their behavior worse than what they have accused the previous board members.

Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

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