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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

The May 2019 Open Meeting Minutes Original version vs Altered version makes an interesting read

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

The meeting minutes are written by the Secretary of the HOA, as required by our bylaws, and presented at the next open meeting for consideration and approval by the board. During this meeting, the other board members can propose changes to the minutes by a motion to amend the minutes; if the motion is seconded the board votes on the motion (proposed changes). If approved by the board, the changes (amendments) become part of the minutes.

No board member and most definitely not an HOA employee can take the secretary's minutes and rewrite them prior to the open meeting to review and approve the minutes. A simple glance at the Original version and the Altered version will show the dramatic and substantive changes Umann, DiNapoli and Bromley made outside the view of members and without a vote of the board. According to the minutes submitted by the names at the end of the May minutes, Umann changed the minutes of a meeting he did not attend. A meeting he did not attend (see the list of those present, absent and guest)!

These appear to be the actions of three people trying to tailor information to support their narrative of the facts not the actual facts. You can be certain that Hal Siegel had no hand in the rewrite of the minutes he prepared. These actions are tantamount to trying to rewrite history to make you look noble and honorable rather than the barbarian you are.

It is an interesting read, worth the read to see what they tried to hide from the members. Click here to view the details.

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Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

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1 Comment

Dec 09, 2019

When is enough ... enough? Rules don’t matter to these three board members nor to their employee. Civil laws don’t matter to them either. If this doesn’t end, the hoa will be completely run lawlessly in every way. And....members will be left to mop up to the mess.

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