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See what the Board tried to hide - highlights of alterations from May 2019 open meeting minutes

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

What did the Board try to hide from members?

A simple glance at the Original version and the Altered version will show the dramatic and substantive changes Mike Umann, David DiNapoli and Paul Bromley made outside the view of members and without a vote of the board. Following are the highlights.

Isn't it self-evident the fraudulent nature of the Altered Minutes that Board President Mike Umann did not attend the meeting but "respectfully submitted" the Minutes none the less?

(see the list of those present, absent and guest on page 1, and the names on page 4 that respectfully submitted the Altered Minutes, screen snapshot attached.)

#2: Legal Committee Report Original: LLHOA was fined. Altered: ____________(blank, sentence deleted).


Original: DN& Insurance - The current company notified LLHOA that it will not be renewed and is up for renewal in June. Lordon Management is seeking quotes for board approval.

Altered: Insurance update.

#6: Original: The Club golf carts were seen and documented with pictures, which were handed out to meeting attendees, showing what appeared to be teenage children driving the carts on the golf carts. The CEO was seen in the pictures with the children on the carts. Concerns for liability, policy for driving on the range, insurance issues due to staff involvement in participating in children driving carts, etc. were raised. There were other mentions of the carts being seen with the CEO and his family on public streets on Mother's Day. The same concerns were raised. Response: Response on policy pending until next meeting.

Altered: Golf carts policy is being reviewed upon concerns from members.

#7: Original: The current Director's and Officer's insurance company will not renew policy as of June 6th was raised. Asked if new provider has been secured. Reponse: A search for a new provider has started. Lordon has been asked to identify a provider.

Altered: __________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)


Member raised that a written (email) physical threat had been made by the CEO. Copies of the threat have been distributed to appropriate parties. RESPONSE:

Original: Board stated was unaware of the written (email) threat.

Altered: Board stated was aware of the written (email) and it wasn't a threat. LLHOA Attorney agreed.

#9: Original: It was noted that none of the Board or Staff are bonded as required. Since there has been embezzlement in the past and now required by law, it was raised as an urgent issue. RESPONSE: Board will look into getting that done.

Altered: ___________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

Original: A member spoke about having what felt like unusual attention from the CEO as taking videos of members, edited them and posting them (or gave them to someone else who posted them) on YouTube and called member a thief in one of them. The member asked the CEO to please remove the videos and he did not. The member spoke to lawyer about the videos and because the CEO referred to member as a thief, it was defamation per se, meaning member was not required to prove defamation to sue for harm. The member said they were not interested in suing as they did not want to burden the HOA with more lawsuits because the CEO has already caused enough lawsuits. The member just wants the videos removed. RESPONSE: Several people were taking. Several Board Members had different responses. Response pending.

Altered: ___________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

The issue of the CEO's employment agreement not being made available to the HOA was made. The question was asked if the Board wrote the contract and if not, why not? RESPONSE:

Original: No response.

Altered: An agreement was made.

Original: It was stated that the Members concerns should be made part of the record (meeting minutes). REPONSE: No response.

Altered: ___________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

Original: Member raised allegations over the environment of intimidation created by the CEO and some other Members. Some Members are seriously expressing fear of speaking their mind and fear of attending meetings because they observed contention and threatening behaviors and speech. A code of conduct should be created or is required and if not adhered to, action should be taken. RESPONSE: Will take under consideration.

Altered: ___________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

Click here to view the details, comparison between original and altered version of May 2019 Minutes.

Click here for explanation of proper procedures for amending meeting Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from June 2019 Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from July 2019 Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from August 2019 Minutes.

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Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

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Dec 09, 2019

Again, civil infractions... perhaps more.

Members want to be heard. It is also to the board’s benefit to document concerns, follow up and address them at later meetings. Unresolved concerns fester. Resolved issues , when brought up again, can be referred to the subsequent meeting minutes where the issue(s) were resolved and don’t get rehashed over and over and over again.

Addressing issues can really be a win-win!

Altering minutes is not only suspicious, it’s a civil infraction... maybe more . Why? Why make it so hard? It’s really easy to do it and make it a win-win.


LLHOA members
Dec 06, 2019

Every negative mention of the current board was deleted or altered; whole paragraphs of CEO threatening/ intimidating members were erased from the Minutes in the altered version.

I can’t believe that we had elected bullies and/or bullying-enablers to the Board (Barone being the president of the previous board)! A code of conduct for Board members and HOA employees is desperately needed as stated in the original meeting Minutes(#15).

As a community, collectively, we made the mistake of electing wrong people to the board, we learned our lesson the hard way, now it is the time for us to correct this mistake, and it is not too late.

Censorship, bullying, breach of fiduciary duty, lying about finances, falsifying documents...... Barone, Umann…

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