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See what the Board tried to hide - highlights of alterations from July 2019 open meeting Minutes

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

The meeting minutes are written by the Secretary of the HOA, as required by our bylaws, and presented at the next open meeting for consideration and approval by the board. During this meeting, the other board members can propose changes to the minutes by a motion to amend the minutes; if the motion is seconded the board votes on the motion (proposed changes). If approved by the board, the changes (amendments) become part of the minutes.

No board member and most definitely not an HOA employee can take the secretary's minutes and rewrite them prior to the open meeting to review and approve the minutes.

Comparison between Original and the Altered version of July 2019 Minutes shows the dramatic and substantive changes Mike Umann, David DiNapoli and Paul Bromley made outside the view of members and without a vote of the board. Following are the highlights.

Original: Hearing on GPL case. Judge did not like GPL trying to move case too quickly. Next meeting in September. Judge put gag order on info and documents contained within time period of law suit. Altered: Hearing on GPL case. GPL is losing nearly every hearing and the judge has issued a protective order on information.

Original: Golf Course Superintendent returned from FMLA and is no longer with the HOA. Altered: Golf Course Superintendent after given 8 weeks off and 1 of those weeks paid as a benefit from the LLHOA, never returned or gave notice. 2 Directors (Siegel and Allan) were allegedly working to sabotage the relationship.

Original: Currently receiving bids from groundskeepers for golf course and mini-parks.

Altered: Currently the grounds crew will be taking care of the miniparks for a substantial savings of over $1800 per month.

#2: Board business EZ link contract

Original: Discussion ensued regarding the disputed contract and the disputed invoice in the amount of $1300.00. Hal Siegel will reach out to the vendor and discuss terminating the contract and settlement of the outstanding invoice. Secretary made it clear that it was the boards responsibility for not using the vendor service and not cancelling the contract prior. Altered: Discussion ensued regarding the disputed contract that only Hal Siegel signed. This contract was an illegal contract for 2 years and Director Siegel signed without approval from the CEO or Board.

Original: Evidence presented regarding a recent small claim court suit. Person sued HOA to honor pre-paid golf fees paid to GPL. There had been a statement that the man who sued did not have proof of his pre-payment and the member showed that he did. The man won his suit plus damages.

Altered: ____________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

#5: A member raised several questions regarding the financial reports that were handed out. Original: The member stated that the type of reporting being done was against accounting practice for our type of corporation and size and that we should be using a financial method known as accrual accounting. Suggested a financial committee to assist the board with these matters.

Altered: ____________ (blank, sentences deleted.)

Original: Another member addressed the financial documents and asked if there is being something done to address the continuous downward trend in revenue in all of the remaining revenue producing areas of the buiness. Tennis, pool, pro shop, golf, golf range and summer camp are all down in revenue. Still non-operational/revenue producing are the restaurant, kitchen and office space.

Altered: ____________ (blank, paragraph deleted.)

#8: Several members discussed the state of the "grounds", primarily referring to the golf course. Original: The board president stated they are looking better every day and have never looked better. There was quite a discussion about that and the room was called to order.

Altered: Resident and board stated they are looking better every day and much better than a few months ago.

Click here to view the details, comparison between original and altered version, July 2019 Minutes.

Click here for explanation of proper procedures for amending meeting Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from May 2019 Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from June 2019 Minutes.

Click here to view the highlights of alterations original vs altered version from August 2019 Minutes.

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Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

110 views2 comments


Dec 09, 2019

Yet another civil infraction that members have the right to take action on. In cases where the minutes may have been altered with additions that did not occur, this may have crossed beyond a civil infraction. The Board Secretary is tasked with recording and submitting minutes. Once approved, why is a management co or club manager altering minutes , out of procedural order?


Jeff Haring
Jeff Haring
Dec 08, 2019

If the statements above are true then I would say that Mike, David & Paul cannot be trusted with our HOA.

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