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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Photos of Run Down LLHOA properties under current management by Board President Umann & CEO Barone

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

We pay $95,000 yearly salary to CEO Chris Barone to manage the LLHOA properties. This is what we get for our dues, Run down LLHOA properties--clubhouse and golf course. Scroll down for 8 photos of courtyard grass dead and plants dying, entry to Clubhouse unkept with grass unmowed and dying in patches, fairways and roughs have weeds growing wild with grass dry and bald spots.

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Join us, Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Mail in ballot, or

Attend meeting to Vote (bring your ID if you misplaced your ballot)

Your ballot MUST be mailed by December16th


Bring it Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

193 views10 comments


Dec 22, 2019

Has anyone running or in current position given ANY thought to the consequences of continuing to bash the HOA, its members and facilities on public media?

If I were a good business person looking to start or relocate my successful business to Lake Lindero CC, given what I have read here and on Nextdoor, I think there will be better places in which to invest my money and time in my business than here.

I think it will take some time (if ever) to rebuild the reputation of the HOA. It would be a great start to focus on building unity and community by totally removing this website and begin by highlighting the positives!


Jeff Haring
Jeff Haring
Dec 05, 2019


Let's work together as a community to make the course and clubhouse look better. It's starts at the top though. If we get the right people in there I think we'll much better off!


LLHOA members
Dec 03, 2019

Yes to the recall I don't need anybody's authorization to voice my own opinion. Let me explain the win-win-win: 1. Labelling it a donation is a win for Barone, because anybody can make a donation without any contract. Claiming it a loan won't work, because it is not a loan without membership vote. 2. Treating it as a donation will be a win for the Board, so the board is not breaking any rules taking on loans without membership vote. A donation should NOT be paid back. 3. A win for our community so we have $50K to buy equipment for property maintenance.

If the board has already paid back some of the money, well, I can't speak for them, the current board is…


Dec 03, 2019

It would be nice if some of the responses actually addressed the cost and expectation of maintenance rather than people bashing. At the end of the day it would be interesting to hear a proposal on how the board (new or sitting) plans to move forward and what are the priorities.


LLHOA members
Dec 03, 2019

Yes to the recall Just because he or she claimed it be an "interest free loan" doesn't make it so. It cannot be a loan without membership vote. If the board were smart, they should treat it as a donation, then nobody is breaking any rules, win-win-win for all parties involved, Mr. Barone, the Board and our community.

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