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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Message from the Lake Lindero Board of Directors

LLHOA Members,

Important facts you should know:

  • Lordon is still the management company for our HOA (LLHOA). It was not fired.

  • You are to send your dues to Lordon as you have for the past year and a half.

  • Sending your dues to Lordon is the only way for your dues to support the HOA and be credited to your account.

  • The New Board is valid under state law. On February 19, 2020, there will be a court hearing to validate the recall election results. The lawsuit is Lake Lindero HOA vs Christopher T. Barone, Michael Umann, David DiNapoli, Paul Bromley. There is no lawsuit against the HOA as claimed by a few, it is the HOA against four individuals acting against the expressed intention of 82% of the members who voted in the recall election and the interests of our HOA.

Beware of Scam

  • A person(s) is working our neighborhood soliciting your dues payment by coming to your home and sending you emails. This is a scam to steal your dues.

  • Under no circumstance should you send your dues to the address of the home of a HOA member. On its face this is not a legitimate request—send dues to a private residence.

  • The person claiming to be the CEO of LLHOA lies. He is an ex-employee misrepresenting his current relationship to the HOA. He was terminated on 12/31/2019, as was his assistant.

  • He has no authority to instruct where your dues are to be sent or to collect your dues. (It is not only fraud; it is a violation of state law that prohibits collection of HOA dues without a real estate broker’s license.)

  • It has come to the attention of the New Board that an ex-employee has gone on the internet spreading the lie that he is still the CEO of the Lake Lindero HOA. His position was eliminated as part of restructuring to save the HOA $95,000 per year and the costs and turmoil his behavior caused the HOA in the past year (see list of lawsuits on He has no authority to collect your dues. Asking that members to sent their dues anywhere but to Lordon by any member or terminated employee is a misappropriation of your dues, THEFT and FRAUD. Asking members to send their dues to his personal residence is the last act of desperation by a defeated wannabe.

The New Board is managing Lake Lindero Homeowners Association in the interests of the members. On February 19, the occupation and petty rebellion should be put down by the court so we can all move forward together making the HOA a source of pride and comfort for the greater community.

The New Board thanks you for your faith, confidence and support.


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78 komentarzy

24 lut 2020

To: TheCheeseStandsAlone,

The burden of proof is on the person who claimed to be honorably discharged. Period.


23 lut 2020

It's very telling, that the first that this witch hunt obsession you feel justified in doing a query on a Marine because you thought he was not a Marine.

Graciously someone finds the answer for you, and it's STILL not enough.

You then place a "burden" of proof on a the Marine whom you just accused of not serving (who did serve) of his discharge status, and it's still not enough.

Lynch mob in the making. Nothing is ever good enough, the facts are never enough, which is why offering information to your questions are pointless. You spin truth to fit your personal narrative. You don't want information you want ammunition. No Thank You.


HaveaNiceDay, you should file a FOIA. Nobody on this website can tell you a discharge status. I think the only thing that you can see for certain is that yes, he was a Marine..


20 lut 2020

Have to cut through the noise for a moment.

Today was a big deal. Although not resolved, we’re on the right path and we’ll be there very soon

Thank you Michael Allan, Hal Siegel and Harriet Cohen for all of the work and patience to get us to today. The same to get us through tomorrow and the vision, perseverance and openness to member inclusion to get us out of the hole we were put in by others.Your encouragement to keep fighting until we’re out of it and proud of our HOA again is true leadership.

Thank you.


20 lut 2020

To: Mr. NiceGuy,

Nice to see you back so soon on site commenting again. I thought I read your announcement that Feb. 2 was the last time you would log into this site. Welcome back, anyway.

Sorry that if my comments offend you. I just point out things that make no sense to me, especially when no vetting was done by the recalled Board when they hired Christopher Barone as the CEO to run our HOA; when members reported that Marine Corps stated no record of service was found by his name; when what he has done to our HOA, ignored a lawful recall petition, denied members’ right to use common area for election purpose, filed lawsuits against members to…

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