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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

LLHOA Recall Election Results, A New Beginning!

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Board Recall Result

Yes: 156

No: 32

Abstain: 2

Vote Count Result

Michael Allan : 278

Harriet Cohen: 234 Hal Siegel: 205

Mike Umann: 65

Paul Bromley: 52

David DiNapoli: 40

Yvette Touquet: 18

LLHOA New Board

President: Michael Allan

Vice President: Harriet Cohen

Treasurer & Secretary: Hal Siegel

Members at large: Paul Bromley, Mike Umann

Congratulations to the New Board!

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645 views26 comments


No GPL repeat
Dec 26, 2019

It was an absolute landslide in favour of a new board.


Dec 26, 2019


I have respected the discussions we have had on different topics. My statement about standards we set for ourselves was never intended to be a dig against anyone, only the acknowledgement that everyone is different and choices the way they conduct themselves in life. The way I interact with people and how I interact and address my disagreements or dislikes is my choice. No disrespect intended.


LLHOA members
Dec 26, 2019


Quote from your comment: “I compared the facts with that of many statements on this site and see that not all are fact based.”

I am interested in learning which statements on this site are not fact based, please provide the information you have.


No GPL repeat
Dec 26, 2019

What is the point in privately communicating that information to them? It hasn’t stopped them and they are simply going to try to cover it up more. If we were making PERSONAL attacks, then we would criticise his gained weight or inability to spell or do basic math. Instead, we are saying that these people are not running our HOA well. They are free to continue being corrupt idiots all they like, in their own time. Just not on ours or with OUR money.


Dec 26, 2019

hoamember 2 - You had me agreeing with you until the last sentence in your comment. No need to insult us by implying that you have higher standards than anyone else. I'll leave it at that.

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