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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

LLHOA Newsletter, Jan-25-2020

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

On Jan. 21st, 2020, LLHOA filed a lawsuit against Christopher T. Barone, Mike Umann, Paul Bromley & David DiNapoli for court validation of the recall election. The documentation for the lawsuit is available for viewing here, click to view. (Note: Case #26 on the 27 lawsuits list.)

It is hoped that you will read it as it takes you through all the legal steps that were followed to have a compliant and legal recall based on both our bylaws and CA law.

The old board and Barone continue to claim the recall was illegal. The only option left is to have a judge read all the documents and steps and state a legal finding of who is the rightful board.

All of this bickering and negativity must stop as the focus has to be financial stability and the healthy future of the HOA. Barone’s choices continue to cause havoc within the HOA.

To that end the first step was evaluating the expenses and just like any business that is $171,000 over budget identifying what to eliminate. The CEO and executive assistant positions cost over $120,000/year and were the first to go as part of the restructure.

Excessive salaries, legal expenses, and insurance premiums accounted for 40% of all HOA expenses in 2019. Thus, the new board also evaluated legal expenses and determined to remove the HOA from lawsuits against homeowners (Case #20 & #21 on the 27 lawsuits list) and cease paying ex-CEO Christopher Barone’s legal fees. In addition, the board hired an HOA attorney as opposed to a litigation attorney.

Contracts with vendors are being reviewed to make sure we are getting the best value. In a desperate effort to hold on to his power, Barone disabled or removed HOA infrastructure as the vendors of those systems acknowledged the new board, not the old board. Barone removed the point of sales (POS) system, disabled the alarm system, the phone and internet system, the payroll system, chained closed the tennis court and pool when the vendors paid Lordon not Barone as he demanded and withdrew $250,000 from the HOA bank accounts. Also, a lot of the security system was destroyed. All with full knowledge of Umann, Bromley, and DiNapoli.

Rebuilding the HOA infrastructure will give the new board the opportunity to assess the old systems to determine if they are the right ones going forward.

In addition, due to major changes in CA HOA law that took effect on Jan 1, 2020, the date for this year’s annual election has to be postponed beyond March. This new process defines dates for notices, nomination, ballots and the election so we may not be able to hold the election before May.

All of the support from members and vendors is greatly appreciated.

Remember Dues Must be sent to Lordon to receive credit.


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Feb 20, 2020

Have to cut through the noise for a moment.

Today was a big deal. Although not resolved, we’re on the right path and we’ll be there very soon

Thank you Michael Allan, Hal Siegel and Harriet Cohen for all of the work and patience to get us to today. The same to get us through tomorrow and the vision, perseverance and openness to member inclusion to get us out of the hole we were put in by others.Your encouragement to keep fighting until we’re out of it and proud of our HOA again is true leadership.

Thank you.


Feb 05, 2020

Why does anyone in the community think they have a right to go to the club and collect the money? I just can’t wrap my head around What is happening. So any one of us can just go down there tomorrow and if we bring enough friends to stand guard and threaten people, we can collect the money. It’s just some bizarre world we are living in.


Feb 04, 2020

Oh look j white - here's that proof you ordered.


Feb 03, 2020

Judee White, sheriffs report #: 920-00468-2226-389, reported on Jan. 23, 2020, theft of cash drawer by former employee Judee White, sheriffs were also given your home address. Contact the sheriffs department to verify this particular report. You stole the cash drawer from the club on Jan 23, 2020, and you know what you did. Why come on here and lie?


Feb 03, 2020

To: have a nice day,

Proof? Any? Ever

Show it, like everything thing else on here. Rumors

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