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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Letter from LLHOA board to members, Dec 28, 2019

Updated: May 30, 2020

Text portion of the Letter to members is posted below, click to view the original PDF version of the letter.


December 28, 2019

Dear Lake Lindero HOA Members:

Your new LLHOA Board is pleased to announce the recall election was successful and

the election of your new Board was completed.

Michael Allan, President

Harriet Cohen, Vice President

Hal Siegel, Treasurer/ Secretary

Mike Umann, Member at Large

Paul Bromley, Member at Large

Now that the recall election is over and the results are in, it is time for LLHOA members

to step forward together, putting their differences aside, to address the major challenges

ahead, the most pressing of which is the monthly operating deficit the HOA has run eight

of the twelve months this year.

The good news is the election did not change the financial relationship between Lordon

Management and the LLHOA. Monthly dues are still to be sent to Lordon. Any notice

you receive telling you to send your dues anywhere else, would be fake and should be

ignored. The sender intends to interfere with the HOA operation for their own reasons.

Let us hope that we have seen the last of the fake emails and fraudulent accusations

which marred the election, which had an independent HOA attorney’s verification that the election was conducted in accordance with the law and the certification of the election

results by the Inspector of election, the League of Women Voters.

Over the next three months the new board expects to find a restaurant for the space that

has been empty for the past 12 months, increasing LLHOA revenue by $8,000 to $10,000

per month, and eliminate wasteful monthly legal expenditure of $5,000 to $6,000 per

month on numerous minor lawsuits, brought by or against LLHOA members, that had no

business justification in the first place. Just these two actions would produce a net

revenue gains of $13,000 to $16,000 monthly or between $156,000 to $192,000

annually. This would offset much of the annual deficit, reduce our legal costs, and at the

same time enable the attorney to focus on the major lawsuits that merit continuing.

(note from click to view the 22 lawsuits list)

To foster inclusion of all HOA members, various committees will be setup. The first step

in your inclusion is for you, the members, to tell the board what you want from your

HOA. You may email your thoughts and wants, along with how you would like to

participate to .

This is your HOA, your community, your involvement is welcomed.


Your LLHOA Board of Directors


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Website policy:

This website is not the official LLHOA website.

This website is for the free exchange of ideas and opinions.

1. No images/videos of people or links to such are allowed in comments. Comments on blog posts are welcome.  Comments with images/videos of people or links to such will be deleted.

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4 comentarios

01 ene 2020

Agree with Yes to recall.

Time to look forward into our future!

What do you want our Club to be?

Want a commercial restaurant like we’ve had in the past?

Want a traditional “Country Club” atmosphere with member events, evenings and still be open to the public?

Want an exclusive Members Only Club Restaurant? Willing to pay more to have that? Or no way!

Want a pub with a cafe? Or just a Happy Hour fun spot?

Want a place to service golfers and range users as well as pool goers and tennis players?

Want a Club space to rent for events, parties, weddings?

Want Member Community Events at our Club at reasonable prices with great food and fun?


Me gusta

No GPL repeat
31 dic 2019

Well done guys. This is a welcome step towards tackling the incompetence, insanity and bullying which has driven a toxic divide through the community for the past year. I hope the nutters get the message that their lies are not welcome and that we will unite as a community against it. Very proud of you.

Me gusta

31 dic 2019

If Chris Barone was building his own case to be terminated you’d have a pile of documentation, that when set on fire, would create a bonfire visible from space.

Me gusta

30 dic 2019

Already received a fake email from the old HOA site with this letter red lined. When’s it gonna stop?

Me gusta
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