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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Featured Comment: Paul Bromley says I am in this fight for the good of our HOA --- Seriously, Paul?

Updated: May 30, 2020

Paul Bromley commented on 3/5/2020:

I am in this fight for the good of our HOA.

If any of you alias using, no life individuals are so concerned , where were your names on the ballot?

No matter what the judge rules, all of you have created a dislike that cannot be undone.

The chasm that has been created will never be fixed.

Good luck to all of us.

NoGPL1 commented:


“No matter what the judge rules, all of you have created a dislike that cannot be undone.

The chasm that has been created will never be fixed.”

Quite unfair of you to put the cause of any chasm on one side, Paul. It always takes two to tango.

Very disappointed to hear you decree that it can never be fixed. Always thought better of you.

Have more faith in your neighbors than that.

I think more believe in loving thy neighbor than holding grudges.

And no matter what the court decides, no one likes sore and bitter losers.

Buck up.

No GPL repeat commented:

Paul Bromley - have you any specific examples of anything you have done whilst on the board, to bring unity to the community and help bridge the dislike and mistrust? Maybe the death threat you made to a board member? Or the malicious law suits that you personally proposed against members? Did those help?

Are you saying you expect the judge to rule that the recall election was legal and proper? What leads you to draw this conclusion? Will you resign your board position and stop holding the community hostage if that is the judgement?

JAM commented:

Seriously, Paul. You aren’t trying to save the HOA or you would have listened to the vote instead of enabling Chris and Judee to create chaos and force the issue in court. You are on the board either way so why do all of this? We don’t want our dues spent on bloated salaries and legal fees; we want to bring the club back to what it once was and stop the fighting.

No GPL repeat commented:

Paul. Sorry to break this news but you are not the hero of the hour. Nor is Umann and nor is Barone. You have been entirely self-serving. Umann, at least, is not intelligent enough to know better and has been completely played by his master Barone. But your motivations are unclear, other than being utterly toxic. Do you feel no shame at being responsible for the most toxic chapter of this community’s history? And yes, communities do heal and move on, but only when they learn from the mistakes of the past and ensure this can NEVER happen again. You may need to look elsewhere for the adulation you believe you deserve. Because all we are looking for from you is a sincere apology and resignation.


If you like this post, you may like the following posts, click to view:

LLHOA Newsletter, Jan-25-2020 ---this post explains the need to file a lawsuit for court validation of the recall election

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340 views8 comments


Apr 09, 2020

I hope Bromley managed to get those packing boxes he was looking for on Next Door. Let us all know if you need help packing, Mr Bromley. I'll pay for the truck if you go quick.


Apr 09, 2020

Mr Bromley, your words: “I am in this fight for the good of our HOA.” Was that really a fight “for our HOA”? The facts don’t support it.

The former board acted improperly and in violation every step of the way in the recall election.

You, Mr. Bromley, testified in court that there was never any intention to process the recall petition.

The former board did not comply with its ongoing responsibilities. It did nothing.

Honorable Judge Watkins’ words: “Finally, it was unconscionable that the old board stayed silent and did not fully disclose to the Association members what it was doing.”

Then former board members with Barone intentionally violated Corporate Code, State Law and HOA By-laws. They acted in…


Apr 08, 2020

Paul Bromley: The Recall Election was validated by the Judge yesterday 4/07/20. In her summary she basically said that you, Mike Umann and David DiNapoli failed in doing the right thing for the membership.

My question to you is how do you plan on repaying us, the members, for your failing to protect the Lake Lindero HOA? We have lost thousands of dollars because of your gross mismanagement and now it's time for you to step up and fix this issue.

I know you read this blog so I await your response.


Mar 16, 2020

Despite that Paul Bromley and Mike Umann were notified of every meeting that the New Board held, they never showed up at any of the New Board meetings. They should resign immediately. Since they don’t recognize the New Board anyway, why haven’t they made formal announcement that they are not part of the New Board, so other members that can bring values to rebuilding LLHOA can be appointed to the Board?


Mar 10, 2020


Thank you. Really thank you for reframing the so often gaslit and twisted viewpoint this small group of 6-8 agitators attempts to portray about our resilient neighborhood.

It was and always is amazing how the slick false promises of one boisterous carnival barker can solicit so many to follow and buy into a scheme. However, when the murky water becomes clear and the once closed communication channels are opened to fact checking, the false promises are exposed as lies. Then the carnival barker loses followers.

And as has happened in our resilient neighborhood, the good people who have left the carnival barker gather together and rebuild, reunite and enjoy a sense of community again. All are welcome, but no…

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