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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Election Validation Court Hearing Highlight – Judee White

Updated: May 30, 2020

Judee White showed up in court Tuesday morning 3/10/2020 to testify for a second time. This time to testify to the ill treatment she had been subjected due to the conspiracy of the League of Women Voters (the inspector of the election) and others intended to obstruct and prevent her review of the election ballots.

She gave as an example of the obstruction that her car was blocked by another car in the clubhouse parking lot in an attempt to prevent her from driving to Ojai for the ballot inspection appointment on Monday morning 3/9/2020.

She failed to disclose that the car blocking hers was a sheriffs’ responding to her call earlier to the Sheriffs reporting a violation of a TRO she had in place against Shelby attending a board meeting that morning.

The New Board was having an open Board meeting Monday morning at the club. Judee White tried to enter the room to observe the meeting. After Judee White’s violent attack on Michael Allan, there is a TRO in place against Judee White for Michael Allan. The security guard denied Judee White’s entrance to the meeting room per the TRO. Judee White was told her friend Yvette could attend, she did. Then Judie White called the Sheriffs.

Upon arrival, after a brief investigation that revealed Judee did not have a TRO in place on Shelby, the Sheriffs told Judee White that she was using them (Sheriffs) to harass other members (the New Board), she needed to stop such behavior and if she did it again there would be consequences. They further instructed Judee White to leave the clubhouse and stayed at the entrance to the parking lot while they reviewed the TRO against her.

By the time the Sheriffs finished their review of the TRO paperwork, two more police cars had arrived, one of which parked behind Judee’s car. The Sheriffs decided that Judee White violated the TRO against her, they decided to detain her, only to find out she was gone. Steve Maturo drove by earlier and Judee White jumped into his car, off they went.

Originally, Judee White had an appointment with the inspector of election to view the recall election ballots at 11:00 am on 3/9/2020 in Ojai. Around 9:30 am, upon learning that per the LLHOA election rules Article 18, an Association representative must be present during the ballots review by members, the inspector of election notified Judee White immediately that the meeting had to be cancelled in compliance with the LLHOA election rules. The meeting can be re-scheduled once Judee White arranges with the Association to have a representative observe the inspection.

Despite the meeting cancellation, Judee White and Steve Maturo drove to Ojai trying to pressure the inspector of election into meeting them, to no avail. They tried to make an incident report to local police. Try to picture the officer as Judee White explains she wants to report the failure of a person to show up for a meeting that was cancelled. And the crime is? Poor manners?

Judee White called the Sheriffs and falsely reported a violation of a TRO she had on a person on site when she didn’t have such a TRO. She claimed that a car was used to block hers in to prevent her from attending a meeting, when it was a Sheriffs’ car that responded to a call she made. And she was prevented from reviewing the ballots in a conspiracy, rather than notified that the meeting had to be postponed because she, Judee White, had failed to arrange to have a representative of the Association at the meeting to observe the inspection.

Just a few more examples of how Judee White selectively recounted the facts to tell her “truth” under oath in court, to serve her personal agenda. This is the Judee White as we know her to be.


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42 comentários

23 de mar. de 2020

Thank you to the board for acting and closing the club.

A great read. Good projections on what happens when ‘we’ (all citizens) take action.

Caronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When?

Written by Tomas Pueyo


22 de mar. de 2020


Is the board seriously buying toilet paper and contributing to the club being open?

A public statement should be made with a posted sign at the club that it is closed in accordance with the Governor’s state-wide orders. (Site Governor’s orders.)

Our club is not an essential service. Unless the board has found an exception in the Governor’s policy, the club should be closed.

If Judee continues to open the club and profit from breaking the Governor’s orders, the authorities should be called to address that situation. I’m sure even Mr Nice Guy, who is so concerned about our citizens would agree with the club closing.


22 de mar. de 2020

Mr. NiceGuy

Your words: A great example of how people with different agendas will see the same thing and interpret it differently.

Asked 5 non-residents to watch that “Vegas”/Valentine Video”. Here were instructions:

“Hey! Can you take a look at this video? Important you only watch it once. Then write back what stood out to you the most in the video. Helping a friend. Thanks.” Pretty unbiased and fair, right?

Here were responses:

1) Family video with a lot of attention on the daughter.

2) Dad very proud of his family, kids’ competition and daughter.

3) Seemed weird that video included daughter getting flowers not wife.

4) Single dad active in children’s lives.

5) Was the younger girl the girlfriend…


No GPL repeat
22 de mar. de 2020

Who would want to be handling all that cash during a pandemic? Strange that she would risk her life for Baloney. But then she has all his secrets - washing the blood from his hands and helping him hide from the cops after he attacked Marco Gonzalez.


22 de mar. de 2020

I heard that Yvette St Onge has stopped volunteering at the club and collecting cash for Judee White. So Judee White is the only one that works there now. Never understand why she is willing to work for free for 3 months collecting cash for Barone. Do they split the cash between them?

Since Judee White is the only one who handles the cash, there is no way for members to know the exact amount of cash she collects, there is even no way for Barone to know.

What is Judee White doing with the cash? She is not even buying the toilet paper for the club, the New Board has to step up and provide the toilet paper.

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