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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Election Validation Court Hearing Highlight - Christopher T. Barone

Updated: May 30, 2020


Judge: What is the scope of your job?

Barone: Everything.

Judge: Everything?

Barone: Yes, my job is to protect the Board from responsibilities. They(Board directors) are volunteers, they are busy with their lives.

Judge: Nothing goes to the Board?

Barone: Yes, somethings go to the Board.

Judge: Who decides what goes to the Board?

Barone: I do.


Michael Allan was on the stand, questioned by Barone. Barone raised a print out of the blog post from this site “What a $15 million legal judgement against LLHOA could mean for each member?” and asked Allan, do you know who wrote this? Allan: No. Barone: Have you read it? Allan: No. Barone: What do you think this is about? Allan: I assume it is about the $15 million lawsuit filed against the HOA by the guy Chris Barone punched out in the parking lot broking his eye socket in the process. Barone: I object. Judge: to what?


Tom Allen was on the stand, questioned by Barone. Barone: How did you get involved in the recall? Tom: I walk my dog four times a day. I am a friendly guy, I talk to my neighbors. Everyone I talked with was very unhappy with the current management. They got us into over 20 lawsuits ……… Barone: I object. Judge: When you ask a question, you need to allow the witness to answer.


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Mar 23, 2020


I like your confidence and am going to trust what sounds like an educated opinion. Mine is instinct. It agrees with you.


Mar 23, 2020

Thank you for the explanation of the events. A general comment: Over the past few years I have had occasions to deal with observing Superior Court Judges in matters peripheral to me but of great interest. My appreciation of the perspicacity and insight that Judges exhibit is both amazing and comforting to me. Let's face it, Civil judges daily hear all kinds of BS presented by the accusers, the accused and witnesses. One Judge I observed actually reversed a jury decision. Judge Walmark in the Small Claims Court remarked that in his 5 years on the bench, he has heard 80,000 stories.

They have heard it all and probably been confronted by hundred of Barone types.

Believe me, justice will…


Mar 23, 2020


Surely we know the answer to that. Chris was trying to make the day all about him. From what I understand, the 11th was a productive day in court. Rare. Deciding if/which post election testimony and evidence will be included was a big deal. Don’t think the Court deciding to include White and Barone terminations and attempts to view ballots made him happy. Wouldn’t think the then apparent closing of the trial staring down at him was a comforting feeling either.

So what does Barone do when he doesn’t like the current scenario? He calls foul play, complains, whines, etc. That poor judge.

Chris tried to stall, make it about him, change the situation and none of it worked.…


Mar 22, 2020

Does anyone have complete copies of the Superior Court Minute Orders of March 11 and March 12 and can publish them on this site? On the 11th, the Court agreed to hear testimony on the termination of Judee and Baloney. What was said? On the 12th, Baloney protested to the Court that the Minute Order of the 11th was "an admonishment to him"

What was it? The Judge telling him to quit objecting to his own questions. So what.

Anyone know? Or is this just another failed tactic by Baloney to discredit the recall?


Mar 22, 2020

On February 12, the recall validity hearing was completed. Each of the two lawyers and Barone were given one half hour to present a closing argument to Judge Watkins for her consideration in reaching a judgement. At the time it was forecast that her decision would probably be announced on Thursday or Friday of the following week. The judgement would be announced in a Minute Order and appear on the Superior Court website. Unfortunately

(both for LLHOA and the world) the corona virus happened and the Courts are now shut down, possibly for weeks. At this point, no announcement has been published.

WAIT FOR IT!!!!!!!!

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