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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Clarification: Contact Information Update Form in Lordon's mailing

A recent mailing from Lordon Management included a form for members to verify and update their contact information in the LLHOA data base. There was nothing sinister or malevolent about this form as stated in a fraudulent email sent to some members. The form was sent at the instruction of the New Board in compliance with state law that requires every HOA Board to annually request members update their information. The intent of this law is to keep the membership database up to date to make sure members receive all HOA correspondence. 

Members are to continue to send their monthly dues to Lordon Management. It is Lordon that is paying LLHOA's bills for upkeep, maintenance and payroll which keeps the club open.


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185 views7 comments


Jan 21, 2020

gogolf and hoamember2

About family businesses, well business in general...

gogolf, your quote:

“ If there is a family connection, $$$$ is the connection to look into further.”

Nope. Your pal hoamember2 put it perfectly:

“ Make no mistake about Lordon. It's business.”

Yup. Spot on. A business is in business to make money ($$$$), regardless of whether it is family owned or not.

Many of our ancestors came to this country with the dream of being able to start their own business. Unlike where they came from, they didn’t need to be born into aristocracy to have a business. They could start their own and have something to pass onto their heirs.

Here are a few family businesses you…


Jan 21, 2020


That’s exactly my point. We are what people in the service provider business call a guppy, a PIA, an ankle biter a yappy dog.

A 459 member HOA in Ca is small. There are multi building condo or townhome complexes with more members for heaven’s sake.

Lordon doesn’t care if our dues are higher. They care what their monthly contract nut is. Under Barone, we paid them almost a $5k flat rate monthly flee and they performed about 60-70% of the contract duties because he wanted control. Then on the services they did provide, he micro managed their every move so he could pull and push all the levers to keep his smoke and mirrors machine running for as…


Jan 21, 2020

To gogolf:

In reference to your comment, “Curious, I heard there is a family connection. That is not in the Associations best interest if true”.

There is nothing wrong with hiring an outside management firm that is family owned. No conflict whatsoever. They are a legitimate business.


Jan 21, 2020

To: gogolf,

Hiring members such as Judee White and Christopher T. Barone to work for HOA was a huge concern for HOA members due to conflict of interest, and has proven to be a huge mistake. Luckily, both Judee White and Chris Barone are former employees now.

That Mike Umann works for his parents or Donalea works in her family business is not a concern for HOA members.

All members should earn their living outside our HOA, not within our HOA to avoid conflict of interest. If your “stand up man” Chris Barone and your friend Judee White were smart, they would have started looking for jobs elsewhere, instead of spending their time and energy preventing and harassing the New…


Jan 21, 2020

Make no mistake about Lordon. It's business. How many other 459 member hoa`s are in .ca? They are also looking at the potential revenue from more services and higher dues opportunity. The property management business is a very competitive industry in southern .ca. As reputations go Lordon is average. Time will tell.

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