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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

CEO lives in his own world of ALTERED REALITY with David V. Smith

Updated: May 30, 2020

GPL and David V. Smith are long gone and nobody is supporting their return. But CEO is apparently stuck in the past living in his own world of altered reality with David V. Smith.

As you may know, this membership driven Recall Election is conducted by a group of recall petitioners. When the petition to recall the entire board, signed by twice the number of members required, was presented to the current board, board members Mike Umann, David DiNapoli, Paul Bromley refused to conduct and pay for the recall election, members stepped up to conduct the election. Click here to view the post who paid for the recall election - HOA or members?

On 12/8/2019, a request, signed by four members, to use the LLHOA common meeting space (click to view) for the recall election on 12/19/2019 was emailed by Recall Petitioners to all five Board members and the management company. Email responses were received from Director Michael Allan, Paul Bromley and Hal Siegel approving the request to use of common space.

In the middle of the email exchange, the CEO inserted himself into the discussion between recall petitioners and the board members, and denied David V. Smith the request to use common space, which makes one wonder, how did David V. Smith get into the discussion of the request by four members?

Upon scrutinizing the email exchanges, it appears David V. Smith lives in the CEO's computer and imagination! CEO changed the display name of Recall Petitioner's email address in his computer to David V. Smith, and proceeded to correspond by email with his imaginary David V. Smith! To make it even more bizarre, CEO denied David V. Smith's request to use common space though no such request was ever made by David V. Smith! Where does the CEO live, in his own demented world, a world of fantasy and altered reality?

Click to view the request for member use of common area submitted by four members.

Remark 1:

12/8/2019, Email request sent from LLHOA Recall Petitioner to board members and management company.

Notice the display name of is LLHOA Recall.

Remark 2:

12/10/2019, Email response from Director Michael Allan, approved the use of common space.

Notice the display name of is still LLHOA Recall in Mr. Allan's response.

Remark 3:

12/11/2019, Email response from Director Paul Bromley, tacitly approved the use of common space.

Notice the display name of is still LLHOA Recall in Mr. Bromley's response.

Remark 4:

12/12/2019, the email forwarded by thectb (CEO) showed Director Hal’s approval of use of common space.

Notice the display name of is David V. Smith in the email sent from thectb (CEO). The display name of an email address can be easily changed by editing the name in the contact list or address book, apparently thectb (CEO) changed the display name from LLHOA RECALL to David V. Smith.

Remark 5:

12/14/2019, Email from thectb(CEO), addressed to David V. Smith. Zack, the HOA’s attorney, was cc'd on the email.

CEO's email to David V. Smith denying David V. Smith's request of using common area; a request that was never made.

Remark 6:

12/15/2019, A blatant attempt by the CEO to deny members their lawful right to vote and elect their leaders.

Here are questions for CEO:

1. The request for use of common area was submitted by four HOA members, whose signatures are on the request (click to view), why did CEO deny David V. Smith when David V. Smith never made such a request?

2. Does the CEO realize that the email request was sent to 7 people (5 board members and 2 management company staff)? Each of the 7 people, who received the request by email from, can confirm with their computer records the display name on the original request vs the display name the CEO altered and included in responses. This seems such a childish act for a CEO for it can be debunked at first glance?

3. By implying he engaged the LLHOA attorney to cause a subpoena to be issued to obtain information on the imaginary David V. Smith email account, he squanders HOA money chasing his own delusion. Is this the new tactic for the CEO to squander HOA money?

California Civil Code §4515 (click to view, or click here for pdf file) states that governing documents shall not prohibit a member from peacefully assembling or meeting with members and their invitees for purposes related to association elections or recall processes and from using common areas, including the community hall or clubhouse for an assembly or meeting for these purposes. 

Or in plain language, California State Law says HOA members cannot be denied the use of the common meeting area requested for the purpose to conduct a recall election.  Board of Directors and the employees, such as a CEO, are prohibited from denying the members from using the LLHOA restaurant for the recall election.  Yet, the CEO not once but twice denied lawful request by members in good standing for no other reason than his desire to block the recall election. 

This is but another example of how Umann, DiNapoli and Bromley have no allegiance to the law nor commitment to holding the CEO to adherence to and obedience of the law.  The majority of the board has time-after-time allowed the CEO to behave as he wanted even when that behavior was inconsistent with the interests of the HOA and its members. 

See you 7:00 PM Thursday, December 19th at the LLHOA Clubhouse for the Recall Election. Bring your Ballot or if you misplaced your ballot bring ID with your address. 

Vote for change, Vote YES on the recall !

Vote for Allan-Cohen-Siegel for a financially literate and fiscally responsible board !

Cast all 5 of your votes for these 3 candidates: Allan-Cohen-Siegel.

Yes, each candidate can receive more than 1 vote from you.

Vote, so your voice can be heard!

Recall Election December 19th

Vote: 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Vote Count at 7:30 PM

Attend the meeting Thursday December 19th @ 7:00

To ensure your vote will arrive on time bring your ballot by 7:00 on the 19th

If you misplace your ballot, bring you ID and Vote at the meeting

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1,073 views25 comments


No GPL repeat
Dec 26, 2019

The only reason he didn’t do the same is because Maturo got THREE VOTES 🙌


No GPL repeat
Dec 26, 2019

He was unhinged before. I particularly appreciate the part where he says the new board can’t balance a check book but then wishes ppl luck with dividing 459 in two 😂🤦‍♀️


The CEO's assistant is just as useless if not more than our CEO and 3 board members. What a shame to see my hard earned money going towards 2 incompetent individuals who weasled their way into a paid position and are doing nothing but giving our club a bad reputation in the community.


No GPL repeat
Dec 21, 2019

I was disappointed but not surprised that the CEO’s assistant also verbally abused some members - calling them derogatory names.


Dec 21, 2019

No GPL repeat,

It is my understanding that the CEO (or his trusted assistant) chose not to open the door to the banquet room as approved by a majority of the board. This is the reason the meeting was held in the pub. Surprisingly, the trusted assistant was there during the election meeting and was quick to lock up afterwards. The childish behavior of the CEO is just one more reason why the board must relieve him of his duties. When acting in direct defiance of the board in which employs him Chris was insubordinate. But the 3 rogue members of the board will do nothing to him and that's another reason to remove them from office.

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