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Writer's pictureLLHOA update

Mr. Barone, CEO of LLHOA, personally sues 2 HOA members, a member sues Mr. Barone

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019, Mr. Barone, CEO of LLHOA, will be in court defending his actions in three TROs (Temporary Restraining Orders), two brought by Mr. Barone against LLHOA members (female), one brought by member against him.

Barone vs. Cohen

Barone vs. Feraday Feraday vs. Barone

While Mr. Barone is busy defending his actions in court during business hours, HOA continues to pay him. This is costing HOA money. We, LLHOA members, are all paying for his litigious actions. This is just another glaring example of malfeasance & mismanagement of the current HOA Board. Mr. Barone is using lawsuits to try to intimate and harass our members who speak out against him into silence. This is NOT going to work! For details, please check out newsletter Fraud and Lies.

Why are we paying for Chris Barone to file lawsuits against our own members?

We are fighting for this situation to never happen again in our community.

We are asking other members to speak up.

We are asking for your votes for a new Board of responsible management of our HOA money. Recall the current Board!

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